ServicesCarbon footprintServices

GBA POLSKA provides services related to the analysis of the carbon footprint and thus helps to optimize processes and increase the competitiveness of enterprises, not only on a local scale, but also on the international market.

What is a Carbon Footprint?

A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, place or product, expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

The carbon footprint is the most measurable, reliable and international tool that gives comparable results to companies from around the world operating in the same sector.

What services does GBA POLSKA offer in the area of carbon footprint?

Estimation of carbon footprint of product / organization;
Analysis of the needs of estimate the carbon footprint in the company;
Verification and confirmation by GBA POLSKA of the correctness of the carbon footprint calculation by another unit;
Update the carbon footprint calculations.

We calculate the carbon footprint for each product and each organization. Many years of practical experience in calculating and verifying the carbon footprint for products and organizations makes us the best partner for cooperation.

Dlaczego współpraca z GBA POLSKA?

Tworzymy unikalny na polskim rynku zespół specjalistów, posiadających wieloletnie, praktyczne doświadczenie w obliczeniach i weryfikacji śladu węglowego dla produktów i organizacji.

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